What is electronic brachytherapy?

Electronic brachytherapy (EB) is a type of skin cancer treatment that delivers a targeted yet gentle dose of radiation to the skin cancer. The procedure offers exceptional cosmetic outcomes with minimal side effects, making it an ideal alternative to surgery. With EB, surgery is not required – EB treatments are delivered in the oncology office with each session taking no more the 15 minutes.

At GenesisCare, we offer world-class cancer care and work with leading skin cancer experts to deliver better ways to improve life outcomes for our patients. Our renowned physicians provide personalized care that’s focused on you, not just your cancer.

How does electronic brachytherapy work?

Before your treatment, you’ll have a consultation with your radiation oncologist. They’ll evaluate your condition and together you’ll decide if electronic brachytherapy is right for you.

During the treatment, your radiation oncologist will place a probe-like device on your skin. This is only temporary. Your radiation oncologist can deliver radiation directly to the area to be treated with impeccable accuracy.

Electronic brachytherapy doesn’t require any surgery and is completed quickly, generally in a 15-minute appointment. You won’t feel any pain during the procedure.

Side effects of electronic brachytherapy

Side effects of electronic brachytherapy

Common side effects include redness, dryness, itching or soreness in the treated area which generally lasts for a week or two after completing the treatment course. In almost all cases, our patients achieve excellent cosmetic outcomes from electronic brachytherapy.

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