About Zumba® Gold


Perfect For: Active older adults looking for a modified Zumba® class that recreates the original moves you love at a lower intensity.

How It Works: The class's design introduces easy-to-follow Zumba® choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion, and coordination. Come ready to sweat, and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong.

Benefits: The class focuses on all elements of fitness: cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, flexibility, and balance!

Join Us!

Join Us!

Patients, caregivers, and all those impacted by cancer are invited to join us for these free movement classes to help you feel good, inside and out. Attendees will learn how movement can support optimal healing along the journey to survivorship and “thrivership.”

Please wear comfortable clothing and sneakers. Bring a water bottle and a towel.

Upcoming dates and locations:

Upcoming dates and locations:

Saturday, March 22nd @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Saturday, March 22nd @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Westchester Health & Wellness Center  
9445 Coral Way, Miami, FL 33165

Join Dr. Niraj Mehta and Zumba® Gold Instructor Betsy Dopico for this movement class.  

  • Ample free parking available. 

  • Registration required.  



1:00 pm

Registration & Welcome

1:15 pm

Introductions & Warm-up

1:30 pm

Zumba® Gold Class 
with Betsy Dopico

2:00 pm

Choreography & Movement

2:15 pm

Cool Down, Collect Our Thoughts & Collaborate!



Niraj Mehta, MD

With a special interest in restorative health strategies, functional movement and healing after cancer, Dr. Mehta is a choreographer and board-certified radiation oncologist. He focuses on strategies for enhanced quality of life using a whole-person approach and encouraging true patient empowerment.

Betsy Dopico

Betsy Dopico is a Movement Coach and leader of “Pongamos de Moda la Felicidad,” a global movement to help people transform themselves using meaningful actions to create results. She has been a Zumba® ambassador and an educational and international presenter for 18+ years.

To register for future events:

Email us at 
abigail.obre@usa.genesiscare.com with your name to be notified of future events.