Life-saving technology for patients with inoperable or surgically risky tumors.

Life-saving technology for patients with inoperable or surgically risky tumors.

The CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery System has turned countless, previously hopeless diagnoses, into successfully treatable cases. For some patients with operable tumors, it has proven to be an effective alternative to painful surgery and recovery. Despite its name, the CyberKnife is not a knife at all but a robotically guided, laser-like radiation delivery system. Used under image guidance, the CyberKnife continually adjusts as you or your tumor shifts position, targeting only the tumor and leaving surrounding healthy tissue untouched. This eliminates the need for head frames, providing a more comfortable treatment. Treatment is pain free because it is non-invasive, there is no incision, no anesthesia, no discomfort and no recovery time you can get ack to your normal routine the moment you walk out the door.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)

Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS)

Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Body radiotherapy (SBRT) are two forms of external beam radiation therapy that are particularly effective against small, well-defined tumors in inoperable or surgically risky locations such as the brain or on the spine. SRS and SBRT are non-surgical treatments that combine 3-D imaging and targeting with multiple, highly focused x-ray beams that coverage on the tumor from different angles and cause it to shrink over time. SRS is used against tumors in the brain and spine, while SBRT is used to treat cancer in other parts of the body.

Proven capabilities. Proven results.

Proven capabilities. Proven results.

The CyberKnife System is now recognized as the premiere solution for safe and effective radiosurgery delivery. With a large body of academic support, the CyberKnife System has now treated more than 50,000 patients and been installed as the radiosurgery system of choice in more than 140 institutions globally – including many of the most prestigious cancer centers in the world.

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CyberKnife benefits:

CyberKnife benefits:
  • The first robotically guided radiation delivery system.
  • Working under image guidance, continually adjusts as the patient or tumor shifts position.
  • Used to treat small, well defined tumors.
  • Unprecedented targeting accuracy.
  • Offers new hope to patients with inoperable or surgically risky tumors.
  • Pain free treatment, performed in five days or less.

What to expect before, during and after CyberKnife treatment

What to expect before, during and after CyberKnife treatment
  • Prior to treatment, your radiation therapy treatment team will take a high resolution scan of your tumor to determine its shape and location. The data from this scan will then be digitally transferred to the CyberKnife workstation. Your team will develop a treatment plan, including the number of treatments you will need, and the shaping and dosage levels for the radiation beam.
  • Once the treatment plan is complete, you can begin your therapy. You will be scheduled for an appointment or series of appointments that typically last from 30 to 90 minutes each. Treatment sessions usually take no more than five days total.
  • When you come in for a treatment session, the technologist will position you comfortable on the treatment table. The robotic arm of the CyberKnife will then slowly move around you, programmed to top at various locations where it will deliver a very precise beam of radiation to the tumor.
  • After the treatment is over, you are free to resume normal activity. Because there is no need for sedation, you can drive yourself to and from your appointment.

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