Thyroid diseases



Hyperparathyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine. This can increase your body’s metabolism and lead to rapid unexpected weight loss or an irregular heartbeat. There are several treatment options available for hyperthyroidism and your doctor will recommend the most appropriate treatment for you depending on your age, health, personal preference and the severity of your condition.



Hypothyroidism develops when the thyroid gland produces too little thyroxine, commonly caused by another condition called Hashimoto’s disease.

Standard hypothyroidism treated is levothyroxine medication – a synthetic version of the thyroxine hormone. This is taking orally in the form of a daily pill and is effective in reversing hypothyroidism symptoms. You may start off with a low dose and gradually increase this overtime, depending on how well your condition improves. The dose your doctor starts you on will depend on the severity of your condition and your general health. Treatment is usually lifelong and you’ll need to have annual blood tests to monitor your body’s hormone levels.

Thyroid nodules

Thyroid nodules

Thyroid nodules are small, solid or fluid-filled lumps found in your thyroid gland. They’re often too small to be felt and only found during routine medical examinations or scans for another reason. There are several thyroid nodule treatment options and your doctor will suggest the most appropriate type according to type of nodule you have.



A goiter is a swelling in the thyroid gland that causes a lump that can be seen in the front of your neck and it can be caused by a few different conditions, including hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Your doctor will recommend your best treatment option depending on the size of the lump, your symptoms and the underlying cause of the goiter.

If the lump is small and is not causing you any additional problems, and your thyroid is functioning well, you and your doctor may choose not to treat it at all. Instead your doctor can monitor your condition on the next few months to see how it develops. If you start to experience additional symptoms, you can undergo some diagnostic tests for hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, and we can treat your condition accordingly.


Thyroid conditions  are often diagnosed with pathology tests, such as blood tests and biopsy, and imaging scans including ultrasound, although your doctor may use other techniques to identify the problem. You may also have other additional tests to find out which treatments are likely to be most effective. Some of these tests are also used to assess how well your treatment is working.

Find your nearest GenesisCare center to find out what diagnostic tests and scans are available in your local area. Our expert team will provide a fast response and support you throughout your treatment journey.

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